Celebrating 2022 with the team

Christmas VR Party

As we start our second full week back in the studio, it’s a good time to reflect on 2022. It was such an important year for Nequinox. Here are a few notes about our achievements and challenges;

  • We celebrated our 4th birthday
  • We got the whole team together for the first time… ever!
  • We worked with three brand-new clients
  • We started prototyping our own ideas
  • We spoke to some of the kindest games people on the planet
  • We almost doubled the size of the team in 2022
  • We started looking for a new studio
  • We started our own internal tech team

So what better way to celebrate at the end of another year making games at Nequinox than to head over to Meet Space VR to play some seriously cool VR games, including FarCry VR and then jump back on the coach to head out into Manchester to our favourite new restaurant, Trof, in the Northern Quarter for a delicious meal accompanied by the finest beers and wines! The Malbec was an absolute triumph :wink:

We couldn’t thank the hard-working folks at both venues enough for treating us like royalty before a well-earned break over Christmas and New Year.

And finally… of course special recognition to Hannah and Anthony who organised everything… As always, a big THANK YOU!!


Matt Knott

Development Director

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